Here are some of the best features available for each type. Of course, there are more under the hood.
- Complete text formatting options
- Attach images and videos
- Undo/Redo edits
- Add Reminder
- Share notes
- Random password generator
- Text-to-speech: Read notes aloud
- Customizable background themes
- Custom fonts.
- Print notes.
- Save as text(.txt) or pdf file on SD card
- Best in class scroll experience
- Complete cell text formatting (bold, italics, background color ... etc)
- Formula support with entry helper
- Formulas can reference other formula cells
- Inserting/Deleting rows and columns with automatic formula range correction
- Save as excel(.xls) files on SD card
- Share as excel(.xls) file
- Add reminders
- Easy addition and removing of items
- Drag and sort list item order
- Sharing support
- Custom fonts
- Add reminder
- Text-to-speech: Read out items
- Custom list sorting
- Automatic marking of checklist as completed when all items are checked
- Save as text(.txt) file on SD card
Shared Notes
- Share with as many as 10 people
- Shared editing - changes made by any will get synced to all
- Any type of note can be shared
- Unshare any time
View/edit notes in browser
- Fully secure with same password/pin/pattern as in phone
- Notepads, checklists and spreadsheets can be edited
- Login with google for added protection

Other features
- Password recovery service
- Archive & Recycle bin to store used up notes
- Style your SecNotes from 4 available themes
- Settings - Choose security type
- Settings - Auto backup/restore
- Settings - Back up and restore notes to your SD card